Saturday 4 January 2014

Interview with my 6 year old sister

Me: Hi B!
B: Hi.
Me: Tell me about yourself.
B: I'm 6 years old. And, um... [Long pause] I like pizza. Are you doing this for school or what?
Me: No, for my blog.
Me: What do you wanna be when you grow up?
B: A doctor.
Me: Why?
B: Doctors get rich.
Me: Do you not care about helping people?
B: Well, I'd help people, and get a lot of money for my family.
Me: What else shall I ask you?
B: What food do I like? What drinks?
Me: Okay, B. What food and drink do you like?
B: Okay, I'll do drinks first. I like water. I like Vimto. And... I'm just gonna choose 3. I like... Apple juice.
Me: What about food?
B: My favourite foods are... pizza, macaroni and lasagne.
Me: Thanks, B. Do you wanna say anything else before we go?
B: [Thinks] Umm... No. All I like doing is playing X-Box, that's it.

Ahh. The youth these days. 6 years old, and already influenced by technology.

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