Friday 10 January 2014

10 ways to spot a liar

1) Too much or too little eye contact. Liars tend to avoid looking people in the eye, but if they are staring you down, they may be working hard at lying.

2) Liars will often talk a lot, about things completely unrelated to their lie, in an attempt to try and distract you/change the subject.

3) Over-emphasizes details. When people are trying to avoid telling the truth, they often pick some obscure point and talk about it a lot instead of focusing on the key issue.

4) Their shoulders will shrug ever so slightly. This is an indication that they are feeling anxious or unsure of themselves.

5) Answers questions not asked. Without even asking them a question, liars will defend themselves.

6) Dupers delight - some people will get so enthralled by telling the lie that they will often show this unintentionally, e.g. the corners of their mouths will turn up for a split second.

7) Listen for an echo. Liars will repeat your questions verbatim even though they clearly heard you the first time. As in “Are you lying to me?” “Am I lying to you?” You can end the conversation right there. You’ve got your answer.

8) Liars will often be so encapsulated by their lie and keeping their story straight that they will not be in control of the non-verbal cues, such as micro-expressions, that they are giving off. This is called a cognitive load.

9) A dishonest person is really careful with words. Listen for qualifying statements like, “As far as I remember”, and “if you really think about it”, or over-the-top denials.

10) Personal space is important to all of us, but liars like lots of it. If a person is slowly inching away from you or putting up physical barriers, like a purse or a glass, they may have something to hide.

Thursday 9 January 2014

Photo-A-Day: Day 9

Natural: The lake in the Villa Borghese park in Rome, where we rowed a boat.

So pretty! <3

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Finished my exams!

I'm so happy right now! This is totally how I feel:

(Maybe I even danced like these guys...)

It just feels so good to be able to come home and do absolutely NOTHING, and not feel guilt about it. It calls for celebratory pancakes. HINT: Every occasion requires celebratory pancakes. I love cheese pancakes, mmm! I don't get why people think that it's weird.

Mmm! (SIDENOTE: How cool is the plate?!)

Photo-A-Day: Day 8

Lucky number: 8

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Sick of revising...

I had my first mock exam of the year today, for Psychology. It went pretty well, I think. When I got home, I couldn't even take a break, because I have two more exams tomorrow. My brain hurts. I cannot possibly retain any more information. Hopefully I remember it all tomorrow.

Oh, Stitch. I totally understand. At least I have no more exams after that... until my finals! D:

Photo-A-Day: Day 7

Upside Down: The upside down version of the minion that chill inside the Printworks in Manchester.

Monday 6 January 2014

Photo-A-Day: Day 6

Happens every day: sunset.

(This picture was taken on the balcony of our apartment in Rome. Every night, I would sit out there, writing. However, I could never concentrate because there was always this scary ass bird just STARING at me. It was so creepy.)

Sunday 5 January 2014

Photo-A-Day: Day 5


Let me tell you a story.

Once upon a time, two teenage girls went out, the thirst for adventure pounding in their veins. That's when they found it: an alleyway. It went against every instinct they had, but they went down the alley. It led to a massive and deserted field. The footpath carried on for miles.

The silence was eerie. The sound of their voices echoed around the land. One step after another, they kept going, arms tightly linked.

Then they saw it. A door.

Where could it lead? Narnia? Hell?

The two girls looked at each other, eyes wide. "Shall we go in?" one of them said. The other shook her head. "No. We might get killed."

So they kept walking. Never would they find out what was behind that door... or so they thought.


Saturday 4 January 2014

Interview with my 6 year old sister

Me: Hi B!
B: Hi.
Me: Tell me about yourself.
B: I'm 6 years old. And, um... [Long pause] I like pizza. Are you doing this for school or what?
Me: No, for my blog.
Me: What do you wanna be when you grow up?
B: A doctor.
Me: Why?
B: Doctors get rich.
Me: Do you not care about helping people?
B: Well, I'd help people, and get a lot of money for my family.
Me: What else shall I ask you?
B: What food do I like? What drinks?
Me: Okay, B. What food and drink do you like?
B: Okay, I'll do drinks first. I like water. I like Vimto. And... I'm just gonna choose 3. I like... Apple juice.
Me: What about food?
B: My favourite foods are... pizza, macaroni and lasagne.
Me: Thanks, B. Do you wanna say anything else before we go?
B: [Thinks] Umm... No. All I like doing is playing X-Box, that's it.

Ahh. The youth these days. 6 years old, and already influenced by technology.

Photo-A-Day: Day 4

Words to live by: Live like you'll die tomorrow, dream like you'll live forever.

Friday 3 January 2014

Photo-A-Day: Day 3

My town: Manchester Town Hall before the Christmas Lights Switch On back in November. The lights were turned on by The Vamps (dressed in animal onesies) and James Arthur. Other guests included Ashley and Pudsey from Britain's Got Talent, and the amazing horse puppet from War Horse.

Such an amazing night!

Thursday 2 January 2014

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Photo-A-Day: Day 1


I know, very unhealthy! The perfect way to start the year ;D

My new year's resolutions

Happy new year everyone! I hope 2014 is such an amazing year for you all :)

My new year's resolutions:

1) Meet my grades to get into university.
2) Have one really great adventure.
3) Do yoga at least 3 times a week.
4) Travel more.
5) Throw a kickass 18th party.
6) Learn to drive.

What are yours? Tell me in the comments.